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Reconnect & Recharge



Live once in a lifetime opportunity to recharge & reconnect with yourself and the planet

The RECONNECT & RECHARGE EQUILIBRIUMⓇ RETREAT helps you to balance mind, body and soul; disconnect and recharge from stressful work life, toxic relationships and purposeless life. Come and re-connect with yourself and the planet. The retreat will also help you to tap into your full potential so you can live in full joy, have a more meaningful existence and thrive in a world of complexity and poly-crisis.

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Why a wellness retreat?

We live under constant stress, pressure and worry between pandemics, economic crisis, social unrest and even war; life passes by and we get swamped by work-related stress and toxic relationships at home and at work. Life sometimes feels void, meaningless and we feel like we have lost our compass. THE RECONNECT & RECHARGE EQUILIBRIUMⓇ RETREAT allows you to re-connect with yourself and the planet, tap into your inner guidance and re-discover your life purpose, so you can live a life full of joy, stress-free and thrive in a rapidly evolving and complex reality.

What you get

  • 6 days and 5 nights of re-connection with your higher-self, rediscovery of your gifts, digital detox and re-connection with the planet
  • Customized personal journey so you can get the most of the retreat with spaces to balance mind, body and spirit. You will have full flexibility and decide on your daily activities.
  • Experiential eco-tourist experience with purpose.
  • Individual or double hotel accommodation in beautiful and eco-sustainable bungalows in the midst of the jungle forest.
  • All-meals are included, farm-to-table, nature-based, with vegan and vegetarian choices.
  • You will offset and compensate for the carbon footprint you will generate with the trip with a tree planting program that uses blockchain-based digital tokens for certification.
  • 1-hour relaxing massage with EQUILIBRIUMⓇ Natural Cosmetics & Artisanal Soaps products.
  • All materials needed for all the activities.
  • Boat ride from and to Isla Colon.

For who?


is the perfect choice for those who:

  • Are looking for a digital detox.
  • Want to disconnect from stress generated either by work, home, kids and/or romantic relationships.
  • Are looking for bio-sustainable eco-tourism experiences and re-connect with the planet.
  • Are spiritual seekers and are looking for new approaches to re-connect with your higher-self and cultivate spiritual gifts.
  • Are looking for opportunities to give back to society and particularly to underserved indigenous communities.
  • Are social entrepreneurs or want to start a triple impact business - socially impactful + environmental neutrality or positive impact + financially viable.

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Choose your own


Woman in Black Spaghetti Strap Top Meditating
Women Practicing Yoga
A Man Doing Yoga




Choose your package

Purple Amethyst Heart Gemstone
Moonstone Blue Heart Gemstone
Yellow Heart Gemstone
Opal Heart Gemstone













Reserving your spot

4 Steps - Infographic Template

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Woman in Black Spaghetti Strap Top Meditating
  • Daily meditation sessions
  • Mindfulness coaching (group/individual)
  • Social entrepreneurship coaching (group/individual)
  • Community work in Bahia Honda
  • Cacao & Chocolate Excursion (Permaculture)

Mind Recharge & Reconnect

Man Meditating at Sunrise

Daily meditation sessions

Enjoy a meditation space in which you will connect with your higher-self, the planet, the angels and other spiritual beings. We will use different techniques so you can experience different sensations and connect with and bring back home those techniques that resonate the most with you.

Mindfulness coaching

In this space we will have “masterclasses” and explore topics to stimulate your mind and soul. We will combine theory, deep conversations and practice on a wide variety of topics including how to connect with angels and spirit guides, ayurvedic lifestyle, plant-based healing and sacred geometry.

Fitness workshop
Spiritual Elements Illustration

Mindfulness Coaching Track

Masterclasses & Workshops

  • Harnessing the power of plant-based healing for a healthy lifestyle
  • Ayurvedic lifestyle
  • Living eco
  • Being architects of a joyful life with sacred geometry
  • Healing with chocolate making by Smile Chocolatera
  • Tapping into the power of creativity and innovation for a joyful life
  • Managing grief: Buddhist notions of life and death


In this space we will have “masterclasses” and explore topics to stimulate your entrepreneurial mind. With a practical approach we will take you to new concepts and techniques to develop new social impact skills and refine your social enterprise business model. Either if you have just an idea, are seeking inspiration or have an early stage social venture, we will help you to harness the power of agile thinking, social innovation, business model design and lean management.

Spiritual Elements Illustration

Social Entrepreneurship Coaching Track

Masterclasses & Workshops

  • Creating business with purpose 101
  • Social innovation applied to business modeling and value proposition design
  • Circularity and business modeling
  • UX Design: Mastering the customer journey
  • Impact management in social enterprises
  • Agile methods applied to social entrepreneurship
  • Harnessing the power of digital for business with social impact

Photo: La Loma Jungle Lodge

Community work in Bahia Honda

You will connect with local indigenous communities at a whole new level that live in Bahia Honda, the homeland of near to thirty Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous families. You will volunteer in local development projects - education, women’s economic empowerment, inclusion, environmental, among others - and co-create with local communities for high social and economic impact.

Cacao & Chocolate Farm Excursion

You will walk among thousands of cacao trees in the midst of La Loma jungle forest. The farm follows the principles of permaculture and organic produce of cacao and chocolate bars manufacturing. You will taste wonderful recipes including chocolate and will experience the invigorating power of cocoa beans.

Photo: La Loma Jungle Lodge

Women Practicing Yoga

Body Recharge & Reconnect

  • Daily yoga sessions
  • Walking the Jungle
  • Diving & snorkeling
  • Beach day
  • Bioluminescence NIght Excursion
  • Relaxing Massage and Spa Treatments with EQUILIBRIUM Natural Cosmetics & Artisanal Soaps

Photo: La Loma Jungle Lodge

Walking & Hiking the Jungle

You will connect with local indigenous communities at a whole new level that live in Bahia Honda, the homeland of near to thirty Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous families. You will volunteer in local development projects - education, women’s economic empowerment, inclusion, environmental, among others - and co-create with local communities for high social and economic impact.

Daily yoga sessions

Early morning and in the afternoon you will have the opportunity to move your body, mind and soul with yoga. Yoga allows practitioners to achieve a state of self-awareness through diverse asanas or postures. We will dedicate each yoga practice with one of the five Yamas or conditions of behavior - non-violence, non-stealing, chastity, absence of greed and truthfulness - which are personal guidelines for shaping and improving the individual self.

Beach day

You will connect with local indigenous communities at a whole new level that live in Bahia Honda, the homeland of near to thirty Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous families. You will volunteer in local development projects - education, women’s economic empowerment, inclusion, environmental, among others - and co-create with local communities for high social and economic impact.

Diving & snorkeling

Discover the richness of marine life of the area and if you’re lucky enough you will get to see some dolphins on the way.

Photo: La Loma Jungle Lodge

Bioluminescence NIght Excursion

Evening Cruise in the bay on moonless nights - depending on the moonlight - to see bioluminescent phytoplankton glow in the water.

Relaxing Massage and Spa Treatments with EQUILIBRIUMⓇ Natural Cosmetics & Artisanal Soaps

Choose between an one-hour full body massage or a 30 minute foot massage to ease your feet. We will pamper you with the EQUILIBRIUMⓇ Natural Cosmetics & Artisanal Soaps which provide a blend of oils, emollients and nutritious food for your skin along with infused crystals energy.

Photo: La Loma Jungle Lodge

A Man Doing Yoga

Soul Recharge & Reconnect

  • Spiritual coaching & angel counseling
  • Energetic activation & connection with angels and crystals
  • Sacred geometry energetic activation & recharge
  • Sacred Cacao Ceremony
  • Individual introspection
Self-Acceptance Concept, Demonstrated by Spiritual Coach

Spiritual coaching & angel counseling

In this space we will have “masterclasses” and explore topics to stimulate your soul, learn and grow and master your spiritual gifts. You will know more about angels and spirit guides, techniques of angel detox, pineal gland activation, healing with crystals oracle card readings and angel tarot and more.

Spiritual Elements Illustration

Spiritual Coaching Track

Masterclasses & Workshops

  • How to connect with angels and spirit guides
  • Angel detox for a healthier lifestyle
  • Activating the pineal gland to mastering your full potential
  • Mastering the art of oracle card reading and angel tarot
  • Healing with crystals
  • Awakening your inner goddess: connecting with divine femininity
  • Angel mediumship 101
Pink Crystals Near A Notebook

Energetic activation & connection with angels and crystals

You will tap into the endless energetic source of quantum, angels and crystals energy. You will discover what your low-vibration energetic centres or chakras are, and you will activate the endless flow of quantum activation so you can tune-up and reach mind-body-soul balance. Activation sessions will be powered by by the vibrations and sound currents of the Himalayan Healing Bowl or “Dhwoni Patra” , a singing bowl brought from the heart of Nepal. These bowls are made from seven metals which correspond to the seven planets in the universe and the seven Chakras or energy centers in your body. By striking the surface or rubbing the rim, the singing bowl produces long sustaining harmonic overtones and yet intense vibration which is used as ultrasonic therapy.

Himalayan Healing Bowls or Singing Bowls

Help with deep relaxation and pain relief; reduce stress and anxiety through hypnotic sound by clearing mind; improve circulation and blood flow balancing blood pressure; Chakra balancing; increase mental and emotional clarity (help with depression, fatigue, anger, loneliness and fear); promote stillness, happiness and well-being; stimulate the immune system; enhances awareness of mind and body in perfect harmony; sound and vibration reduces brain activity and slows down the respiration and heart rate; also used as a tool for clearing up negative energy and cleansing spaces.

Sacred Geometry

Help with deep relaxation and pain relief; reduce stress and anxiety through hypnotic sound by clearing mind; improve circulation and blood flow balancing blood pressure; Chakra balancing; increase mental and emotional clarity (help with depression, fatigue, anger, loneliness and fear); promote stillness, happiness and well-being; stimulate the immune system; enhances awareness of mind and body in perfect harmony; sound and vibration reduces brain activity and slows down the respiration and heart rate; also used as a tool for clearing up negative energy and cleansing spaces.

Sacred geometry energetic activation & recharge

Sacred geometry - the same energy that uses the architect of the universe - offers a unique way to balance mind-body-soul energy using a combination of platonic solids associated with the basic elements - water, fire, earth, air and ether.

Ceremonial Cacao

The power of the spirit of cacao

Help with deep relaxation and pain relief; reduce stress and anxiety through hypnotic sound by clearing mind; improve circulation and blood flow balancing blood pressure; Chakra balancing; increase mental and emotional clarity (help with depression, fatigue, anger, loneliness and fear); promote stillness, happiness and well-being; stimulate the immune system; enhances awareness of mind and body in perfect harmony; sound and vibration reduces brain activity and slows down the respiration and heart rate; also used as a tool for clearing up negative energy and cleansing spaces.

Cacao Sacred Ceremony

This is a unique space for connection with the spirit of cacao and the group using chocolate as a vehicle to reach new spiritual heights. It also allows us to reconnect with ancient parts of ourselves, get clarity, set intentions and heal. The cacao used in the ceremony was crafted with intention in the midst of the La Loma Forest. Through a sound journey, we will meditate, dance and move mind-body-soul.

Individual introspection

This space will allow you to reconnect individually with your higher self, reflect on your journey, get clarity and set intentions.

Woman Sitting on the Beach Doing Yoga

Weekly Schedule Reconnect & Recharge


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6
































reserve now

Purple Amethyst Heart Gemstone


  • Air ticket Panama City - Bocas del Toro - Panama City
  • Shared accomodation in double room in the Cacao Farm House



  • Air ticket Panama City - Bocas del Toro - Panama City
  • Individual accomodation in double room in a Bungalow
Moonstone Blue Heart Gemstone


Yellow Heart Gemstone


  • No air transport included
  • Shared accomodation in double room in the Cacao Farm House



  • No air transport included
  • Individual accomodation in double room in a Bungalow
Opal Heart Gemstone


The Team






Certified Angel Coach, certified Quantum Activator & Connector, spiritual seeker, amateur investor, passionate entrepreneur and changemaker. Diana has worked for 16 years with the United Nations in Colombia, Latin America & the Caribbean and globally, on economic development projects, poverty reduction, financial inclusion, gender equality, digital inclusion, inclusive business and social innovation. Creator of the Great Social Innovator Game and co-founder of CI Colombian Exports.


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Mi primer acercamiento con el yoga inicia hace unos 18 años atrás, asistiendo a clases de Yoga Inbound, donde entendí que el viaje hacia mi interior era más importante que el estar buscando afuera. En el 2014 decido emprender mi camino formándome como profesora en Power Yoga 500 hrs, continuando mi formación en los años siguientes en Hatha Raja Yoga, Yoga Terapéutico y Restaurativo. En cada una de mis clases me permito ser un puente, para que cada alumn@ a través de su práctica explore sus límites, se conozca, ahonde en sus posibilidades de crecer y se conecte consigo mism@ y con el mundo a través de su cuerpo, su mente, su corazón y su intuición. Mi Dharma… reemplazar tensiones por sonrisas


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Reserving your spot

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